Paper Web Key

The paper webkeys are widely accepted by almost all kinds of clients. Since through the customizable paper shape, especially various diecut designs, a USB webkey within the whole paper card could be detached and can impress the end users easily, to gain great marketing and promo effects.

Generally, there are designs like Single pageSmall size, Bi-foldTri-fold brochures, and more. (Flat, 2-fold, 3-fold)

Below are some final product reference images. If you need larger images or more info, before starting your own projects, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will provide design templates as well as good suggestions.


single page paper USB webkey DL size
single page paper USB webkey A6 size
single page paper USB webkey A4 size
single page paper USB webkey A5 size


credit card size paper web key
CR80 business card paper webkey
business card webkey
tiny widget USB webkey paper


DL 2-fold holiday greeting card webkey
2-fold paper webkey fits DL envelop
2-fold A4 size USB webkey brochure
bi-fold A4 size USB webkey brochure
bi-fold A4 size USB webkey paper
2-fold A4 size USB webkey paper


3-fold pharmacy and healthcare paper webkey
tri-fold doctor and patient care paper webkey
3x DL client care webkey flyer
tri-fold DL USB webcard

If you want to how to create artworks to let us produce to you, bring your great idea to real products, you may check this tutorial article or contact us freely.